New Season, New Drama

The saga continues for the Phoenix Coyotes; and I’m not even sure which episode number we’re on to at this point.

Ice Edge Holding are still trying to has out a long term lease agreement with the City of Glendale for the Arena; however, three other groups have come forward to discuss options for the team and arena as well.

I am not personally involved in any of these talks but I just don’t understand the issue. You either have the money for the team and the lease or you don’t. This drama has been going on long enough and a decidsion needs to be made.

Other teams have been sold and/or partners swapped leases have been agreed and new naming rights for areans have been negotiated around the league but still NOTHING has been done in Phoenix.

I have a great deal of respect for not only the Phoenix players but their staff as well. Most people wont go to work in a place you don’t know will be there in coming years or heck even months some times. These players have shown they are playoff worthy and that they do have the drive to be a cup contender. How much are they going to have to overcome just getting to work? How much is the system going to tax their mental state before they even set foot on the ice?

I am glad to see that season ticket sales for the Coyotes are the highest they’ve been in three years. If we can just get this drama out of the way and put the focus back on the team and WINNING THE CUP rather than on where are we going to play just imagine what they could ackomplish!